Every diamond, whether blue or green have their status, elegance, and pride. They have a unique flare, exclusive color, and matchless appearance. Indeed, they all look so mesmerizing that missing them out feels more like a sin. However, the buying method or in a way, the process of verifying a diamond before the purchase is indeed different. Like the blue diamond has a unique requirement for verification. And the green diamonds have their standards.
The argyle pink diamond is not just unique it is the most expensive item in the entire world. Talore Diamonds is honored to stock and serve you the best diamond in the world.
For buying an argyle diamond, you need to first know why they are pink.
The Argyle Pink Diamond!
Usually, the diamonds get their colors from the impurities on the surface. Like the blue diamond gets the blue color from boron. Similarly, every other colored diamond has a specific impurity around that adds in the color.
However, the argyle pink diamond does not get the color from impurities. It is pure and unmatchable. The experts tell that the argyle pink diamond has been under the surface for millions of years. And the pressure upon these diamonds transforms their color to pink.
Further, the cut and shape of the pink diamond fill in the unraveled glory. But that depends on who cuts that diamond. The expert cutters at Talore Diamonds shape the colored diamonds so wonderfully that it is indeed difficult to find such a refinement anywhere else. They are skilled to bring out the finest color of the diamond which is hard to find.
Color Impacts the Value:
It does not happen with every diamond. Especially, the colorless diamonds cannot take any impact of the color. Also, some colored diamonds have less impact on color. The color of the argyle diamond determines its value. As per GIA 7 grades define the color range of the pink diamond.
In that range, a faint argyle pink diamond may have the least value. Because the color intensity is low which deems to be less attractive than the darker ones. Perhaps, the ornamental setting may have some impact on the value.
Moving down the range, the “Very Light” argyle diamond will have a bit more value. And as said the jewelry setting will have its impact on the value.
Further down the range, the value increase with the color intensifying. Like the “Fancy Dark” has the highest value. You can find those on Talore Diamonds as well. And the experts in the store can assist you with further exploring the diamond.
Also, need an ornamental setting, Talore Diamonds can serve you the best way.